

Garden of the former Sanatorium Regina Margherita, Legnanolegnano

Address: The complex and its park are located between Via Galileo Ferraris, via Comasino and via Colli di Sant’Erasmo. The entrance is from the latter, number 29.

Agency owner: The complex was owned by the ILA society and leased to the City of Legnano. In the 2000 it was acquired free of charge by the Lombardy Region, under the duty of having the structure used for welfare aims; it has subsequently been assigned to the City of Legnano.

Structure typlology: an eclectic style, relatively symmetrical, with formal flower bed in front of the entrance of the sanatorium and general landscape setting, with large parterre on the front of the building and tall trees sideways. The original layout of the park is now lost. Today it is possible to observe that the front part of the building is characterized by an English project, the side along via  Comasino, characterized by a steep bank with more ruffles and a forest plantings; in the back side there once was a forest of spruces, today culled because retain unsafe.
Extension: 70,000 sqm.
Date: 1920-1924
Accessibility: The park is open to the public every day of the week.

Invalid Displayed Gallery

The Park

The park, project of the study of engineers Giulio Brini and Simone Roveda of Milan, was an integral part of the complex sanatorium “Elena of Savoy”, and opened by the Queen herself in 1924. This sanatorium was built on the initiative of Comm. Charles Jucker in favor of the workers of the cotton mill cantons to stem the widespread scourge of tuberculosis. The park thus becomes essential in curing the disease, which was fought with rest, fresh air and sun-light therapy. The area was completely devoid of trees and the park is cotemporary to the building itself. Most of the tree heritage dates back to the construction of the complex; however, it was never carried out a survey of the existing heritage trees but only a topographic survey of the trees with recognition of the species to which they belong. The main species are native limes, beeches, maples and sycamores. Some examples of linden reach, thanks to the favorable condition of the soil, a real remarkable size. Most of the non-native species, planted during the last century, are unfortunately showing signs of suffering and about forty specimens of spruce on the back of the building were cut in 2004 due to a violent storm.

State of conservation of the Park
The park is in a poor state of repair as much of the tree heritage has been lost and the remaining number of copies are in a state of suffering.
The City performs routine maintenance, which essentially consist of mowing, cleaning and reordering the brushwood bushes and hedges.
Even the extraordinary maintenance, when necessary, is performed by the City through the company AMGA Legnano SpA, which also takes care of routine maintenance.